Rate Limiting

To prevent excessive use of the API system by anyone, there is a maximum number of requests that can be sent in a given time period with throttling after 80%. This limit is tracked per API key and all requests count toward these limits. Time periods are started from your first api call and details can be retrieved via the /Api/Read/Limits endpoint. Every API response that has limiting enabled returns an x-requestLimit, x-requestsRemaining, x-requestsReset headers for values related to these limits. As the limit approaches the maximum, the response time per request is progressively slowed. If your API call requests logging by passing the x-LogLevel setting, the logging process is an additional request. In order to reduce your traffic, please consider caching responses. This document shares recommended cache times and when to reset the cache. Please note that our own servers often cache information for up to 5 minutes, so please assume that changes could take that long to update.

All StrandVision keys are rate limited to 5 requests per second burstable to 50 per second with a 10 second cooldown. Additional hard limits are 500 requests per hour and 100,000 requests per month unless changed by a StrandVision representative.