License Details

GET /Account/Read/License

This process returns the license details for this customer number. Secret Hmac Required. Cache Time 1 Day.


  • License Information successfully returned

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes array[object]
    • Parent number

      Parent User Number

    • Custno number

      Customer User Number

    • Package number

      if this is a qualifying subscription package providing signage service

    • subscription product number

    • Product string

      subscription product name / description

    • the number of days until the subscription expires

    • the starting date of the subscription

    • EndDate string

      the ending date of the subscription (expiration date)

    • Qty string

      the quantity of this license

GET /Account/Read/License
curl \
 -X GET \
 -H "Authorization: X-apikey $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Authorization: X-apidate $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Authorization: X-apihmac $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
    "Parent": 10028,
    "Custno": 10028,
    "Package": 0,
    "ProductNo": 201050,
    "Product": "BackGround Music",
    "ActiveDays": 3419.05,
    "StartDate": "Mon, 03 May 2010 14:00:00 GMT",
    "EndDate": "Fri, 03 Dec 2032 00:00:00 GMT",
    "Qty": 1
    "Parent": 10028,
    "Custno": 10028,
    "Package": 1,
    "ProductNo": 400050,
    "Product": "Partner Package",
    "ActiveDays": 23.26,
    "StartDate": "Fri, 26 Mar 2004 19:32:38 GMT",
    "EndDate": "Thu, 17 Aug 2023 04:59:59 GMT",
    "Qty": 1
Response examples (200)
    "Parent": 42.0,
    "Custno": 42.0,
    "Package": 42.0,
    "ProductNo": "string",
    "Product": "string",
    "ActiveDays": 42.0,
    "StartDate": "string",
    "EndDate": "string",
    "Qty": "string"