Filtered People List

POST /People/Read/Filtered

This process returns a filtered subset of the people for the customer number specified. Secret Hmac Required. Cache Time 1 Hour. Reset if person added or edited. Multiple pages possible.

Body Required

  • Filter array[object]

    An array of filter criteria for the fields birthday, hiredate, emp_id, lastname, firstname, dept and title. The birthday and hiredate ignore the year and pass month, week or day values. +1day shows dates 1 day in the future, +-1day show dates 1 day in the past through 1 day in the future. month(7,8,9) day(1,2,3) selects people with dates in July, August and September matching the days listed. The other values can be '=value' or 'in("value1","value2")' or 'like("value1","value2")'

    Hide Filter attributes Show Filter attributes
    • Birthday string

      The optional selection string for birthdays (+-1week shows birthdays a week before and a week after today)

    • HireDate string

      The optional selection string for anniversaries (+1month shows upcoming anniversaries for the upcoming month)

    • Emp_Id string

      The optional selection string for employee id (like('12%') shows all id values beginning with 12)

    • LastName string

      The optional selection string for last name (like('Str%','Jo%') shows all people with case insensitive last names starting with the letters Str or Be/ending with man)

    • The optional selection string for first name (in('Mike','John') shows all people with case insensitive first names of Mike and John)

    • Dept string

      The optional selection string for department (=Sales shows all people in the sales department)

    • Title string

      The optional selection string for job title (like('VP%') shows all vice presidents)

  • SortBy string

    The field to sort by (allowed: emp_id, lastname, firstname, dept, title, birthday, hiredate). emp_id is the default.

  • If the sort should be in descending order


  • People list successfully returned

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • Total number

      The total number of people selected

    • Page string

      the current page of total pages text string

    • Sort string

      The sort fields used for these results

    • People object
      Hide People attributes Show People attributes
      • Id number

        the StrandVision record id needed for individual update or remove

      • Emp_Id string

        people / staff id

      • Created string

        date/time created

      • Deleted number

        Whether the staff member is deleted

      • Parent number

        Parent User Number

      • Custno number

        User Customer Number

      • the display group that this user is in

      • employee or other id from the source database

      • Location string

        location code specified from the source database

      • Email string

        email address

      • contact first name

      • LastName string

        contact last name

      • NickName string

        name they go by

      • Phone string

        direct phone number

      • Web string

        link to their record on internal web site

      • Photo string

        location of uploaded photo

      • Gender string

        M for male, F for female, U for Unknown or Undisclosed

      • Dept string

        Department that they work in

      • Title string

        title of the employee

      • Birthday string

        Birthday with invalid year

      • HireDate string

        Hire Date

      • TermDate string

        Termination Date (if any)

      • Skip string

        Skip Display Options (Birthday, Annivarsiary, Termination)

      • DateLast string

        Last Date/Time used

      • DateEdit string

        Last Date/Time that the employee was updated

POST /People/Read/Filtered
curl \
 -X POST \
 -H "Authorization: X-apikey $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Authorization: X-apidate $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Authorization: X-apihmac $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"Filter":[{"Birthday":"+-1Week","HireDate":"+1Month","Emp_Id":"like('10%')","LastName":"like('Str%','Be%man')","FirstName":"in('Mike','John')","Dept":"=Sales","Title":"like('VP%')"}],"SortBy":"LastName","Descending":0}'
Request example
  "Filter": [
      "Birthday": "+-1Week",
      "HireDate": "+1Month",
      "Emp_Id": "like('10%')",
      "LastName": "like('Str%','Be%man')",
      "FirstName": "in('Mike','John')",
      "Dept": "=Sales",
      "Title": "like('VP%')"
  "SortBy": "LastName",
  "Descending": 0
Request examples
  "Filter": [
      "Birthday": "+-1Week",
      "HireDate": "+1Month",
      "Emp_Id": "like('10%')",
      "LastName": "like('Str%','Be%man')",
      "FirstName": "in('Mike','John')",
      "Dept": "=Sales",
      "Title": "like('VP%')"
  "SortBy": "LastName",
  "Descending": 0
Response examples (200)
    "Total": 2,
    "Page": "1 of 1",
    "Sort": "lastname desc,firstname desc,emp_id desc",
    "Filter": "Past 7 Days Birthday; Future 7 Days Birthday; Future 1 Month Hiredate; emp_id LIKE (\"10%\"); lastname LIKE (\"be%man\",\"str%\")",
    "People": [
        "Id": 1234,
        "Emp_Id": 1002,
        "Created": "Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:43:00 GMT",
        "Deleted": 0,
        "Parent": 10028,
        "Custno": 10028,
        "DispGroup": "Menomonie, WI (10)",
        "Source_Id": 1002,
        "Location": "Menomonie",
        "Email": "",
        "FirstName": "Carmen",
        "LastName": "Strand",
        "NickName": "",
        "Phone": "",
        "Web": "",
        "Photo": "",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "Dept": "Marketing",
        "Title": "Marketing Director",
        "Birthday": "Fri, 07 Aug 2037 01:02:03 GMT",
        "HireDate": "Thu, 09 Aug 2007 01:02:03 GMT",
        "TermDate": "",
        "Skip": "Birthdays",
        "DateLast": "Fri, 04 Aug 2023 14:25:00 GMT",
        "DateEdit": "Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:43:00 GMT"
        "Id": 1235,
        "Emp_Id": 1016,
        "Created": "Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:43:00 GMT",
        "Deleted": 0,
        "Parent": 10028,
        "Custno": 10028,
        "DispGroup": "Menomonie, WI (10)",
        "Source_Id": 1016,
        "Location": "Washington",
        "Email": "",
        "FirstName": "Ingred",
        "LastName": "Bergman",
        "NickName": "",
        "Phone": "",
        "Web": "",
        "Photo": "",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "Dept": "Quality Assurance",
        "Title": "Quality Assurance Manager",
        "Birthday": "Sun, 09 Aug 2037 01:02:03 GMT",
        "HireDate": "Mon, 10 Aug 2015 01:02:03 GMT",
        "TermDate": "Fri, 12 Aug 2033 00:00:00 GMT",
        "Skip": "Anniversaries",
        "DateLast": "Fri, 04 Aug 2023 14:25:00 GMT",
        "DateEdit": "Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:43:00 GMT"
Response examples (200)
  "Total": 17,
  "Page": "1 of 2",
  "Sort": "gender,lastname,emp_id",
  "People": {
    "Id": 1016,
    "Emp_Id": 1016,
    "Created": "Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:43:00 GMT",
    "Deleted": 0,
    "Parent": 10028,
    "Custno": 10028,
    "DispGroup": "Menomonie, WI (10)",
    "Source_Id": 1016,
    "Location": "Washington",
    "Email": "",
    "FirstName": "Ingred",
    "LastName": "Bergman",
    "NickName": "string",
    "Phone": "string",
    "Web": "string",
    "Photo": "",
    "Gender": "Female",
    "Dept": "Quality Assurance",
    "Title": "Quality Assurance Manager",
    "Birthday": "Sun, 09 Aug 2037 01:02:03 GMT",
    "HireDate": "Mon, 10 Aug 2015 01:02:03 GMT",
    "TermDate": 0,
    "Skip": "Birthdays",
    "DateLast": "Fri, 21 Jul 2023 22:52:00 GMT",
    "DateEdit": "Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:43:00 GMT"