Show API Keys

GET /Api/Read/Keys

This process returns the details about your api key and all keys that your key has created. You can pass an optional KeyId parameter to return a single one if it is in your security profile. Note that normal StrandVision api keys cannot create new keys, so only your key will be returned. Secret Hmac Required. Cache Time 5 Minutes. Reset if key added.


  • ACL Groups successfully returned

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes array[object]
    • Id number

      database id for this API Key (useful for reviewing logs)

    • Api_Key string

      the api key for this record.

    • Name string

      The descriptive name of the API Key setup by the user

    • Created string

      HTTP-formatted GMT/UTC date/time for when this key was created

    • HTTP-formatted GMT/UTC date/time for the starting date for this key. This often matches the Created date.

    • EndDate string

      HTTP-formatted GMT/UTC date/time for when this key stops functioning.

    • LastUse string

      HTTP-formatted GMT/UTC date/time for the last use of this key.

    • Usecount number

      Approximate use count since activated. This does not get updated if called too frequently, so if you have a very active key, this will not be accurate.

    • if HTTPS communication is required. This is almost always active.

    • The hash type to use when hasing the x-ApiDate. This defaults to Sha256.

    • The allowed age of the x-ApiDate in hours. This defaults to 1 hour.

    • the default response format.

    • LogLevel number

      the default logging level for transactions. 0=no logging, 1=limited logging, 2=raw logging

    • LogRaw number

      the number of days that raw logs are stored.

    • MaxHits string

      The rate limiting that is assigned to this key. See Rate Limiting for details.

    • GroupList array[object]

      A json array of the groups that this key is authorized to access.

      Hide GroupList attribute Show GroupList attribute
GET /Api/Read/Keys
curl \
 -X GET \
 -H "Authorization: X-apikey $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Authorization: X-apidate $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Authorization: X-apihmac $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "Id:1001 CreatedBy:4 Created:\"Wed, 10 May 2023 19:11:31 GMT\" StartDate:\"Wed, 10 May 2023 19:11:31 GMT\" EndDate:\"\" Lastuse:\"Fri, 12 May 2023 15:09:40 GMT\" Usecount:16 Is_Enabled:1 Require_Https:1 Require_Hash:\"sha256\" AllowHours:2 ResponseFormat:\"json\" LogLevel:0 LogRaw:0 Display_Name:\"Mike Test\" Api_Key:\"bxXRb0-Ub7pPA-dzXB1hcsLs-HR5yYjyN19\" MaxHits:\"burst5\\/50,500\\/hr,100k\\/mon\" GroupList:{\"101\":\"Read\\/Write People\",\"103\":\"Read\\/Write User Database\",\"105\":\"Read\\/Write Signage Pages\"}"
Response examples (200)
    "Id": 3,
    "Api_Key": "MyTestApiKey",
    "Name": "Test API Key",
    "Created": "Wed, 10 May 2023 19:11:31 GMT",
    "StartDate": "Wed, 10 May 2023 19:11:31 GMT",
    "EndDate": "string",
    "LastUse": "Fri, 12 May 2023 15:09:40 GMT",
    "Usecount": 237,
    "Require_Https": "Yes",
    "Require_Hash": "Sha256",
    "AllowHours": 1,
    "ResponseFormat": "json",
    "LogLevel": 0,
    "LogRaw": 0,
    "MaxHits": "Burst5/50,500/hr,100k/mon",
    "GroupList": [
        "<groupid>": "Read/Write People"