Delete API Key
This process disables an active key if it was created by your access key and it is not your own. This proces also sets the end date to the current time. Secret Hmac and Today Code Required. No Caching.
Body Required
Only one of the KeyId or ApiKey are needed. If both KeyId and ApiKey are passed, they must match the same record.
curl \
-H "Authorization: X-apikey $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Authorization: X-apidate $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Authorization: X-apihmac $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Authorization: X-apitoday $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"KeyId":1001,"ApiKey":"MyTestApiKey"}'
Request example
"KeyId": 1001,
"ApiKey": "MyTestApiKey"
Request examples
"KeyId": 1001,
"ApiKey": "MyTestApiKey"
Response examples (200)
"DeleteDate": "Mon, 15 May 2023 14:34:17 GMT"
Response examples (200)
"DeleteDate": "string"
Response examples (404)
"Error: Cannot find key id 1001"
Response examples (404)
Error: Cannot find key id 1001