Show Limits

GET /Api/Read/Limits

This process returns information about your call limits. Note that the limits can be adjusted by StrandVision staff which would adjust the return values to what your api key is configured for. Secret Hmac Required. Cache Time 30 Seconds.


  • Limit list successfully returned

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute array[object]
    • TimePeriod array[object]

      The time period. By default, this will return 3 time period array elements. 5Sec is the 5 second time period with 25 max requests. 1Hr is the hourly limit with 500 max requests. 1Mon is the monthly time period with 100,000 max requests.

      Hide TimePeriod attributes Show TimePeriod attributes
      • Limit number

        The maximum number of requests for this time period.

      • Remain number

        The number of requests available for this time period.

      • When the time period resets to 0 used.

      • TimeLeft number

        The time duration left until the time period resets to 0 used.

GET /Api/Read/Limits
curl \
 -X GET \
 -H "Authorization: X-apikey $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Authorization: X-apidate $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Authorization: X-apihmac $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "5Min": {
    "Limit": 3,
    "Remain": 22,
    "ResetDate": "Fri, 12 May 2023 19:07:27 GMT",
    "TimeLeft": "4 Seconds"
  "1Hr": {
    "Limit": 500,
    "Remain": 222,
    "ResetDate": "Fri, 12 May 2023 20:07:00 GMT",
    "TimeLeft": "43 Minutes"
  "1Mon": {
    "Limit": 100000,
    "Remain": 98379,
    "ResetDate": "Mon, 12 Jun 2023 00:00:00 GMT",
    "TimeLeft": "4.3 Weeks"
Response examples (200)
    "TimePeriod": [
        "Limit": 25,
        "Remain": 22,
        "ResetDate": "Fri, 12 May 2023 20:07:00 GMT",
        "TimeLeft": 42.0