List Servers

GET /Api/Read/Servers

This process returns a list of StrandVision servers that are available to be read from. Since the strandvision api servers are load balanced, this will typically only contain one server. It is recommended that this be called once per week in case the DefaultServer needs to be used for future calls. Note that if the primary or default servers are offline, you can use the FailServerList to get read only access to your signage content. Secret Hmac Optional. Cache Time 1 Hour.


  • Server list successfully created

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • The primary server for all future calls (or at a minimum all future calls for this session).

    • The default server for all future calls. If different, this must be stored as part of the API configuration.

    • FailServerList array[object]
      Hide FailServerList attribute Show FailServerList attribute
      • url string

        The url to call

GET /Api/Read/Servers
curl \
 -X GET \
 -H "Authorization: X-apikey $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "PrimaryServer": "",
  "DefaultServer": "",
  "FailServerList": [
Response examples (200)
  "PrimaryServer": "",
  "DefaultServer": "",
  "FailServerList": [
      "url": ""