API Daily History
This process returns the daily history details of successful API calls for the past 7 days grouped by remote ip address and endpoint for your API Key. After a week, the history records get merged together by ACL id with no remote IP addres. Secret Hmac Required. Cache Time 30 minutes. Multiple pages possible.
HistoryDays number
If not passed, this defaults to 7 days of history.
HistoryGroup string
If passed, the query will group the database query.
HistoryFields string
If passed, these fields will be gathered (important for accumulating counts for grouping).
curl \
-X POST https://Api.StrandVision.com/v1.0/Api/Read/History \
-H "Authorization: X-apikey $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Authorization: X-apidate $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Authorization: X-apihmac $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"HistoryDays":14,"HistoryGroup":"date,api_function","HistoryFields":"sum(count) count"}'
Request example
"HistoryDays": 14,
"HistoryGroup": "date,api_function",
"HistoryFields": "sum(count) count"
Request examples
"HistoryDays": 14,
"HistoryGroup": "date,api_function",
"HistoryFields": "sum(count) count"
Response examples (200)
"Date": "2023-05-16",
"Server_Addr": "",
"Remote_Addr": "",
"Count": 9,
"CpuTime": "0.417 Seconds",
"CpuSeconds": 0.4169,
"FailCount": 3,
"LimitTime": "0 Seconds",
"LimitSeconds": 0,
"BandWidth": "8.3KB",
"Bytes": 8497,
"Api_Acl": 2,
"Api_Function": "api/Read/History"
"Date": "2023-05-16",
"Server_Addr": "",
"Remote_Addr": "",
"Count": 72,
"CpuTime": "2.1 Seconds",
"CpuSeconds": "2.0984,",
"FailCount": 3,
"LimitTime": "6 Seconds",
"LimitSeconds": 5.96,
"BandWidth": "60.4KB",
"Bytes": 61820,
"Api_Acl": 2,
"Api_Function": "api/Read/Limits"
"Date": "2023-05-16",
"Server_Addr": "",
"Remote_Addr": "",
"Count": 72,
"CpuTime": "0.229 Seconds",
"CpuSeconds": ".2289,",
"FailCount": 4,
"LimitTime": "0 Seconds",
"LimitSeconds": 0,
"BandWidth": "4.0KB",
"Bytes": 4049,
"Api_Acl": 2,
"Api_Function": "api/Read/Log"
Response examples (200)
"Date": "2023-05-16",
"Server_Addr": "",
"Remote_Addr": "",
"Count": 72,
"CpuTime": "2.0984 Seconds",
"CpuSeconds": 2.0984,
"FailCount": 72,
"LimitTime": "5.96 Seconds",
"LimitSeconds": 5.96,
"BandWidth": "60.4KB",
"Bytes": 61820,
"Api_Acl": 2,
"Api_Function": "api/Read/Limits"