Change Updates

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Last update:
1 structure change including:
1 Addition
Added 1
POST /api/create/key
2 structure changes including:
2 Additions
Added 2
POST /api/read/history
POST /api/read/log
3 structure changes including:
1 Addition
2 Modifications
Modified 2 Breaking
GET /api/read/list
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • operations property Modified
    • created property Removed
POST /api/read/acl
  • Body
  • content type Modified
    • Path property Removed
    • IsAclAllowed property Added
Added 1
GET /api/read/keys
1 structure change including:
1 Addition
Added 1
GET /api/read/groups
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1 Breaking
POST /api/read/acl
  • Header
  • Path header Removed
  • Body
  • content type Added
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1
GET /api/read/acl
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • Id property Added
2 structure changes including:
2 Additions
Added 2
GET /api/read/acl
POST /api/read/acl
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1 Breaking
GET /api/read/limits
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • 5Sec, 1Hr, 1Mon properties Removed
    • TimePeriod property Added
3 structure changes including:
1 Addition
2 Modifications
Modified 2
GET /api/read/list
  • Authentication
  • Authorization key authentication method Added
GET /api/read/servers
  • Authentication
  • Authorization key authentication method Added
Added 1
GET /api/read/limits
2 structure changes including:
1 Breaking change
1 Addition
1 Removal
Removed 1 Breaking
GET /api/read/servers
Added 1
GET /api/read/servers
1 structure change including:
1 Addition
Added 1
GET /api/read/servers
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1 Breaking
GET /api/read/list
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • created, modified properties Modified
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1
GET /api/read/list
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • operations property Modified
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1 Breaking
GET /api/read/list
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • operations property Modified
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1 Breaking
GET /api/read/list
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • message property Removed
    • summary, created, modified, operations properties Added
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1 Breaking
GET /api/read/list
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • endpoint, description, url, created, modified properties Removed
    • message property Added
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1 Breaking
GET /api/read/list
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • created, modified properties Modified
11 structure changes including:
10 Breaking changes
1 Addition
10 Removals
Removed 10 Breaking
GET /diffs/{id}
GET /hubs/{hub_id_or_slug}
GET /ping
GET /versions/{version_id}
POST /diffs
POST /previews
POST /validations
POST /versions
Webhook POST DocStructureChange
PUT /previews/{preview_id}
Added 1
GET /api/read/list
13 structure changes including:
3 Breaking changes
10 Additions
3 Removals
Removed 3 Breaking
GET /board
GET /board/{row}/{column}
PUT /board/{row}/{column}
Added 10
GET /diffs/{id}
GET /hubs/{hub_id_or_slug}
GET /ping
GET /versions/{version_id}
POST /diffs
POST /previews
POST /validations
POST /versions
Webhook POST DocStructureChange
PUT /previews/{preview_id}